Indoor Air Pollution : Vapor emission to outdoor air and enclosed spaces for human health risk assessment : site characterization, monitoring, and modeling / Sabrina Saponaro, Elena Sezenna, and Luca Bonomo, editors
Comics that are intended to impart knowledge and information, including those for classroom use. For comics that use a structured format to teach or train the reader see Instructional comics
Films that are intended to impart knowledge and information, including those for classroom viewing. For films that use a structured format to teach or train the audience see Instructional films
Television programs intended to impart knowledge and information. For television programs that use a structured format to teach or train the audience see Instructional television programs
Infrared Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Initials Provenance : An essay upon the learning of devises, from their inception by writing, to their consummation by the death of the devisor / by John Joseph Powell
Inland Waters : The inland waters of tropical Africa : an introduction to tropical limnology / L. C. Beadle
Innsbruck Kongress 2004 : Was ist Textkritik? : zur Geschichte und Relevanz eines Zentralbegriffs der Editionswissenschaft / herausgegeben von Gertraud Mitterauer [and others] ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Werner M. Bauer und Sabine Hofer
Inscripties Vorm : The inscriptions of Nabopolassar, Amel-Marduk and Neriglissar / by Rocío Da Riva
Inscriptions : Lord Kingsdown's recollections of his life at the bar and in Parliament
Art constructions or assemblages that use the physical space where they are displayed as part of their design
Instant Camera Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term