Konferenzschrift 2001 Madison Wis : What history tells : George L. Mosse and the culture of modern Europe / edited by Stanley G. Payne, David J. Sorkin, John S. Tortorice
Konferenzschrift 2002 Kopenhagen : Between Marx and Coca-Cola : youth cultures in changing European societies, 1960-1980 / edited by Axel Schildt and Detlef Siegfried
Konferenzschrift 2002 Osaka : Molecular neurobiology of Alzheimer disease and related disorders / editors, Masatoshi Takeda, Toshihisa Tanaka, Ramón Cacabelos
Konferenzschrift 2003 Atlanta Ga : Crossing the rift : resources, routes, settlement patterns, and interaction in the Wadi Arabah / edited by Piotr Bienkowski and Katharina Galor
Konferenzschrift 2004 Paris : Empire and dissent : the United States and Latin America / edited by Fred Rosen
Konferenzschrift 2005 Bremen : El castellano en las tierras de habla catalana / eds. Carsten Sinner, Andreas Wesch
Konferenzschrift 2005 New York : Anne Frank unbound : media, imagination, memory / edited by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett and Jeffrey Shandler
Konferenzschrift 2006 Aachen : Gerechtigkeit in Europa : transnationale Dimensionen einer normativen Grundfrage / Helmut König, Emanuel Richter, Sabine Schielke (Hg.)
Konferenzschrift 2007 Tiflis : Textual research on the Psalms and Gospels : papers from the Tbilisi Colloquium on the Editing and History of Biblical Manuscripts = Recherches textuelles sur les Psaumes et les Évangiles : actes du colloque de Tbilisi, 19-20 septembre 2007 / edited by Christian-B. Amphoux, J. Keith Elliott, with Bernard Outtier
Konferenzschrift 2008 Munchen : Perspektiven der Unfallversicherung in Japan und Deutschland / Ulrich Becker, Kenichiro Nishimura, Christina Walser (Hrsg.)
Konferenzschrift 2008 Wien : Bibliotheken in der NS-Zeit : Provenienzforschung und Bibliotheksgeschichte / Stefan Alker, Christina Köstner, Markus Stumpf (Hg.)
Konferenzschrift 2009 Philiscsaba : The stranger in ancient and mediaeval Jewish tradition : papers read at the first meeting of the JBSCE, Piliscsaba, 2009 / edited by Géza G. Xeravits and Jan Dušek
Konferenzschrift 2010 London : Music, Indigeneity, digital media / edited by Thomas R. Hilder, Henry Stobart, and Shzr Ee Tan
Konferenzschrift 2012 Burlington Vt : The Germans and the Holocaust : popular responses to the persecution and murder of the Jews / edited by Susanna Schrafstetter and Alan E. Steinweis
Konferenzschrift 2013 Boise Idaho : A writer's topography : space and place in the life and works of Albert Camus / edited by Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire
Konferenzschrift 2014 Brussel : Reforming the common European asylum system : the new European refugee law / edited by Vincent Chetail, Philippe De Bruycker, Francesco Maiani
Konferenzschrift 2014 Salt Lake City Ut : Form and process in music, 1300-2014 : an analytic sampler / edited by Jack Boss, Heather Holmquest, Russell Knight, Inés Thiebaut and Brent Yorgason
Konferenzschrift 2016 Graz : Writing Emotions : Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature
Konferenzschrift 2016 Leipzig : Dynamik in den deutschen Regionalsprachen: Gebrauch und Wahrnehmung Beiträge aus dem Forum Sprachvariation. Matthias Hahn, Andrea Kleene, Robert Langhanke, Anja Schaufuß
Konferenzschrift 2017 Cetraro : Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations : Cetraro, Italy 2017 / Matthias Hieber, James C. Robinson, Yoshihiro Shibata ; Giovanni P. Galdi, Yoshihiro Shibata, editors
Konferenzschrift 2017 Wien : Artificial Intelligence in Medicine : 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 21-24, 2017, Proceedings / edited by Annette ten Teije, Christian Popow, John H. Holmes, Lucia Sacchi
Konferenzschrift Aalborg University 2013 Aalborg : Studies of discourse and governmentality : new perspectives and methods / edited by Paul McIlvenny, Julia Zhukova Klausen, Laura Bang Lindegaard, Aalborg University
Konferenzschrift London 1989 : From Revolt to Riches Culture and History of the Low Countries, 1500-1700 / edited by Theo Hermans, Reinier Salverda
Konferenzschrift Oxford Great Britain 1998 : Postcolonial perspectives on the cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa / edited with an introduction by Robin Fiddian
Konferenzschrift Speyer 2015 : Verfassung als Ordnungskonzept : Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Speyer vom 7.-10. Oktober 2015 / [Red.: Uwe Volkmann]
Konferenzschrift Vancouver Bc 1994 08 : The rain forests of home : profile of a North American bioregion / edited by Peter K. Schoonmaker, Bettina von Hagen, and Edward C. Wolf ; foreword by M. Patricia Marchak and Jerry F. Franklin