Visual representations that are generally two-dimensional and to which more specific headings such as Caricatures or Coloring books cannot be assigned. For visual works created for aesthetic purposes, see Art or more specific terms such as Paintings; Photographs; Portraits; or Prints
Nautical guides that describe coastlines, harbors, dangers, and aids to navigation
Pilsen 2009 : Text, speech, and dialogue : 12th international conference, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 13-17, 2009 : proceedings / Václav Matoušek, Pavel Mautner (eds.)
Pinhole Camera Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs
The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Piriapolis 2008 : Language engineering and rigorous software development : International LerNet ALFA Summer School 2008, Piriapolis, Uruguay, February 24-March 1, 2008 : revised tutorial lectures / Ana Bove [and others] (eds.)
Pisa 2009 : Information security : 12th international conference, ISC 2009, Pisa, Italy, September 7-9, 2009 ; proceedings / Pierangela Samarati [and others] (eds.)
Pisa 2010 : Engineering secure software and systems : second international symposium, ESSoS 2010, Pisa, Italy, February 3-4, 2010 : proceedings / Fabio Massacci, Dan Wallach, Nicola Zannone (eds.)
Pitjandjara Language Materials Bilingual Juvenile : Alitjinya ngura tjukurtjarangka = Alitji in the dreamtime / adapted and translated from Lewis Carroll's story, Alice's adventures in Wonderland, by Nancy Sheppard ; illustrations by Byron S. Sewell ; edited by Barbara Ker Wilson
Pittsburgh Pa 2008 : Entertainment computing - ICEC 2008 : 7th International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 25-27, 2008, proceedings / Scott M. Stevens, Shirley J. Saldamarco (eds.)
Piyutim : The poetry of Kabbalah : mystical verse from the Jewish tradition / translated and annotated by Peter Cole ; co-edited and with an afterword by Aminadav Dykman
Piyyutim : The poetry of Kabbalah : mystical verse from the Jewish tradition / translated and annotated by Peter Cole ; co-edited and with an afterword by Aminadav Dykman
Plaatwerken Vorm : Atlas of EEG in critical care / Lawrence J. Hirsch, Richard P. Brenner
Places : Canoeing the churchill : a practical guide to the historic voyageur highway / Greg Marchildon and Sid Robinson