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Mark   Year Entries
Popular Music United States History And Criticism : Revolution in the air : the songs of Bob Dylan 1957-1973 / Clinton Heylin  2009 1
Popular Work   462
Popular Works   1796

Popular Works Law -- See Law for laypersons

Popular Works Publication Type : Nickel and dimed : on (not) getting by in America / Barbara Ehrenreich  2002 1

Population Health Surveys -- See Health surveys


Population Surveys -- See Demographic surveys

Reports about the social, economic, health, or other characteristics of a population that are generally based on estimates calculated through sampling techniques. For official counts of the population of a place or ethnic group that sometimes include data relating to economic and social conditions, see Census data

Porn Comics -- See Pornographic comics


Porn Films -- See Pornographic films


Pornies Pornographic Films -- See Pornographic films


Porno Comics -- See Pornographic comics


Porno Films -- See Pornographic films


Pornographic Comics -- See Also Erotic comics


Pornographic Films -- See Also Erotic films

Port Macquarie 1986 : Fourth International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals  2019 1

Portions Excerpts -- See Excerpts

Portland Or 2000 : Artificial life VII : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Artificial Life / edited by Mark A. Bedau [and others]  2000 1

Portmanteau Films -- See Anthology films

Feature-length films made up of various episodes or stories that are usually connected by a theme, event, location or original author and often have a wrap-around tale. For films that are composed of pre-existing published or unpublished films, or portions thereof, see Compilation films
Porto Portugal 2001 : Progress in artificial intelligence : knowledge extraction, multi-agent systems, logic programming, and constraint solving : 10th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2001, Porto, Portugal, December 17-20, 2001 : proceedings / Pavel Brazdil, Alípio Jorge (eds.)  2001 1
Porto Portugal 2009 : Algorithmic learning theory : 20th International Conference, ALT 2009, Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2009 : proceedings / Ricard Gavaldà [and others] (eds.)  2009 1

Portrait Photographs -- See Also the broader term Photographs

The word PHOTOGRAPHS is a general designation for any photographic process. The narrower terms include both physical media and genre categoriesMain Term
Portrait Photographs   2
  Portraits -- 2 Related Genre/Forms   2
Portraits   398

Portraits Biographical Television Programs -- See Biographical television programs

Fiction or nonfiction television programs that depict the lives of real people
Portraits De Groupe   25
Portsmouth Hampshire 1996 : The real life guide to accounting research : a behind-the-scenes view of using qualitative research methods / edited by Christopher Humphrey, Bill Lee  2004 1
Portsmouth (Hampshire) Kongress 1996 : The real life guide to accounting research : a behind-the-scenes view of using qualitative research methods / edited by Christopher Humphrey, Bill Lee  2004 1
Portuguese Language Materials : Travar o extremismo no Norte da Niǵeria / por Michael Olufemi Sodipo  2013 1

Position Descriptions -- See Job descriptions


Post Apocalyptic Comics -- See Apocalyptic comics

Comics set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For comics set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian comics

Post Apocalyptic Drama -- See Apocalyptic drama

Plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian plays

Post Apocalyptic Fiction -- See Apocalyptic fiction

Fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian fiction

Post Apocalyptic Science Fiction Comics -- See Apocalyptic comics

Comics set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For comics set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian comics

Post Apocalyptic Science Fiction Drama -- See Apocalyptic drama

Plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian plays

Post Cards -- See Postcards

Cards on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope; often include a pictorial, comic, or other scene on one sideMain Term

Post Cyberpunk Fiction -- See Cyberpunk fiction

Science fiction that depicts the relationship between human beings and the rapid advancement and omnipresence of technology, which leads to a radical change in the social order

Post Disaster Fiction -- See Apocalyptic fiction

Fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian fiction

Post Holocaust Fiction -- See Apocalyptic fiction

Fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian fiction

Postal Art -- See Mail art

Art created by using the postal service to transport a work in progress, so as to incorporate postal markings such as stamps and postmarks into the art

Postal Cards -- See Also the broader term Postcards

Cards on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope; often include a pictorial, comic, or other scene on one sideMain Term

Postapocalyptic Comics -- See Apocalyptic comics

Comics set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For comics set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian comics

Postapocalyptic Drama -- See Apocalyptic drama

Plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian plays

Postapocalyptic Fiction -- See Apocalyptic fiction

Fiction set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For fiction set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian fiction

Postapocalyptic Science Fiction Comics -- See Apocalyptic comics

Comics set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For comics set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian comics

Postapocalyptic Science Fiction Drama -- See Apocalyptic drama

Plays set in a world or civilization after a catastrophic event (e.g., nuclear war, an alien invasion), sometimes also including the period immediately preceding the event. For plays set in an uncertain future, in a society ruled by an ineffectual, corrupt, or oppressive regime or by aliens, robots, etc., see Dystopian plays
Postcards   12

Postcyberpunk Fiction -- See Cyberpunk fiction

Science fiction that depicts the relationship between human beings and the rapid advancement and omnipresence of technology, which leads to a radical change in the social order
  Posters -- 2 Related Genre/Forms   2
Posters   73
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