Polemieken Vorm : Four anti-Pelagian writings / Saint Augustine ; translated by John A. Mourant and William J. Collinge ; with introductions and notes by William J. Collinge
Political Works : The history of the principal transactions of the Irish Parliament, from the year 1634 to 1666 : containing proceedings of the Lords and Commons, during the Administration of the Earl of Strafford, and of the First Duke of Ormond: with A Narrative of His Crace's Life, collected from the Papers of Sir Robert Southwell, Knt., Secretary of State in Ireland, and President of the Royal Society. To which is Prefixed, A Preliminary Discourse on the Ancient Parliaments of that Kingdom. By the Right Hon. Lord Mountmorres. In two volumes
Musical works composed for mass appeal and usually dependent on mass media for transmission to large audiences. For popular music lyrics that appear without a musical setting see Popular music lyrics