Prag 1984 : Mathematical foundations of computer science 1984 : proceedings, 11th Symposium Praha, Czechoslovakia, September 3-7, 1984 / edited by M.P. Chytil and V. Koubek
Prag 2005 : Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems : second international conference, CPAIOR 2005, Prague, Czech Republic, May 30 - June 1, 2005 ; proceedings / Roman Bartak, Michela Milano (eds.)
Prag 2008 : DNA computing : 14th international meeting on DNA computing, DNA 14, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2-9, 2008 : revised selected papers / Ashish Goel, Friedrich C. Simmel. Petr Sosík (eds.)
Press Corrections Printing : Over the straits : a visit to Victoria / by Louisa Anne Meredith ; with illustrations from photographs, and the author's sketches
Press Figures Printing : A case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States in February, 1793 : in which is discussed the question "whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state?"