Print Graphic Novel Young Adult Fiction : The Umbrella Academy. Volume 3, Hotel Oblivion / story, Gerard Way ; art, Gabriel Ba ; colors, Nick Filardi ; letters, Nate Piekos of Blambot
Printers Advertisements New York State Albany : The Conductor generalis: or, The office, duty and authority of justices of the peace, high-sheriffs, under-sheriffs, coroners, constables, gaolers, jury-men, and overseers of the poor. : As also, the office of clerks of assize, and of the peace, &c. / compiled chiefly from Burn's Justice, and the several other books, on those subjects, by James Parker, late one of the justices of the peace for Middlesex County, in New-Jersey ; and now revised and adapted to the United States of America, by a gentleman of the law. ; the whole alphabetically digested under the several titles ; with a table directing to the ready finding out the proper matter under those titles
Printers Advertisements Pennsylvania Philadelphia : A specimen of the patriotism of the Jacobins in France, or, The trial of Jean Baptiste Lacombe, late president of the military commission at Bordeaux : condemned to death as an exacter, an extortioner, a prevaricator, a corruptor of morality and of the public mind, and, as such, a traitor to his country, on the 27th Thermidor, second year of the French Republic, one and indivisible. / translated from the French
Use for novels and stories dealing with the detection and solution of crime. Where possible assign additional topical headings, e.g. a class-of-persons heading for the investigator, or a heading for the name of the investigator, and headings for the setting and for the crime involved