Suites Piano : The piano concertos ; Miroirs / Ravel
Suites Piano Arranged : Sonata no. 3 & five preludes / Scriabin. Sonata reminiscenza / Medtner. Three movements from Petrouchka / Stravinsky
Suites Pianos 2 With Orchestra : Behold the bold umbrellaphant / poetry by Jack Prelutsky ; music by Lucas Richman. Carnival of the animals / poetry by Jack Prelutsky ; music by Camille Saint-Saëns
Suites Violin With String Orchestra : Concerto for violin and orchestra "Anne-Sophie" / André Previn. Serenade after Plato "Symposium" / Leonard Bernstein
Plays that feature human characters that are often involved in the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., interacting with supernatural beings
Fiction that features human characters that are often involved in the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., interacting with supernatural beings
Poetry that features human characters that are often involved with the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., and interact with supernatural beings
Plays that feature human characters that are often involved in the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., interacting with supernatural beings
Fiction that features human characters that are often involved in the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., interacting with supernatural beings
Poetry that features human characters that are often involved with the occult, witchcraft, spiritualism, psychic phenomena, vodou, etc., and interact with supernatural beings
Supposed Association Copies Provenance : The cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G., in 1867-1868 / by John Milner and Oswald W. Brierly