Textbooks For Portuguese Speakers : Pronunciation instruction for Brazilians : student's book / by Rosane Silveira, Márcia Zimmer and Ubiratã Kickhöfel Alves
Textbooks Massachusetts Cambridge 19th Century : A selection of cases on the law of bills and notes and other negotiable paper : with full references and citations, and also an index and summary of the cases : prepared for use as a text-book in Harvard Law School / by James Barr Ames, Bussey professor of law in Harvard University
Works using a step-by-step teaching method that employs small units of information or learning material and frequent testing and allows students to control the pacing of the learning process
Thanksgiving Sermons New York N Y 19th Century : The obligation of man to obey the civil law : its ground, and its extent : a discourse delivered December 12, 1850, on occasion of the public thanksgiving : in the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N.Y. / by Richard S. Storrs, Jr
Thanksgiving Sermons United States 19th Century : The hand of God, as seen in the present great rebellion : the hope of our country and a reason for thanksgiving : our duty in the present crisis : two discourses / by F. Senour
Posters or single-sheet programs advertising a theatrical performance, usually listing the cast. For booklets that provide a description of a performance and its cast and crew, and are typically distributed to audience members, see Theater programs
Theatre Experimental : New downtown now : an anthology of new theater from downtown New York / Mac Wellman and Young Jean Lee, editors ; introduction by Jeffrey M. Jones
Theatre Heroique : Plays : the conquest of Granada ; Marriage a-la-mode ; The assignation / editors, John Loftis, David Stuart Rodes ; textual editor, Vinton A. Dearing ; associate editors, George R. Guffey, Alan Roper, H.T. Swedenberg, Jr