Radio programs aired by or on behalf of nonprofit or governmental organizations to promote the common well-being or general welfare of society. For radio programs about public policy or politics see Public affairs radio programs. For radio announcements aired by or on behalf of nonprofit or governmental organizations to persuade the audience to take some specific action or adopt a favorable view toward a service, institution, or cause see Radio public service announcements
Public Opinion Polls : Public opinion polling in a globalized world / Marita Carballo, Ulf Hjelmar, editors
Public Relations : Excellent public relations and effective organizations : a study of communication management in three countries / Larissa A. Grunig, James A. Grunig, David M. Dozier
Publication Commemorative : La psychiatrie en question : choix de textes en hommage au professeur Frédéric Grunberg / sous la direction de Pierre Lalonde, Alain Lesage et Luc Nicole ; [avec les textes de Janique Beauchamp and others]
Publications K Exhibition V : Beyond the supersquare : art and architecture in Latin America after modernism / edited by Antonio Sergio Bessa, with additional research by Mario Torres
Publishers Advertisements 2005 : Once upon a time : illustrations from fairytales, fables, primers, pop-ups, and other children's books / Amy Weinstein
Publishers Advertisements Connecticut Hartford 1865 : Nurse and spy in the Union army : comprising the adventures and experiences of a woman in hospitals, camps, and battlefields / by S. Emma E. Edmonds with illustrations
Publishers Advertisements England London 1799 : Speech of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, Thursday, January 31, 1799, : on offering to the House the resolutions which he proposed as the basis of an union between Great Britain and Ireland
Publishers Advertisements England London 19th Century : The anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach ... With memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens and an account of his anthropological museum by Professor R. Wagner, and the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M.D., on the varieties of man. Tr. and ed. from the Latin, German, and French originals, by Thomas Bendyshe ..
Publishers Advertisements Illinois Chicago 1896 : The first battle : a story of the campaign of 1896 / by William J. Bryan, together with a collection of his speeches and a biographical sketch by his wife
Publishers Advertisements Massachusetts Boston : The treatise on religious affections / by the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A.M. ; Somewhat abridged, by the removal of the principal tautologies of the original ; and by an attempt to render the language throughout more perspicuous and energetic. ; To which is now added, a copious index of subjects. ; [Seven-line endorsement]
Publishers Advertisements Massachusetts Boston 1865 : The equality of all men before the law : claimed and defended / in speeches by Hon. William D. Kelley, Wendell Phillips, and Frederick Douglass, and letters from Elizur Wright and Wm. Heighton
Publishers Advertisements New York N Y 1860 : A political text-book for 1860 : comprising a brief view of presidential nominations and elections: including all the national platforms ever yet adopted: also, a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands, with the most notable speeches and letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckinridge, H.V. Johnson, etc., etc., touching the questions of the day ; and returns of all presidential elections since 1836 / compiled by Horace Greeley and John F. Cleveland
Publishers Advertisements Oxford 20th Century : The Institutes : a text-book of the history and system of Roman private law / by Rudolph Sohm, professor of German law and ecclesiastical law in the University of Leipzig ; translated by James Crawford Ledlie, B.C.L., M.A. of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law and of Lincoln College, Oxford ; with an introduction by Erwin Grueber, Dr. Jur., M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford, professor of Roman law and jurisprudence in the University of Munich, late deputy Regius Professor of Civil Law and reader in Roman law in the University of Oxford