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Description ScienceDirect provides indexing and full text of journal articles in the following subjects: Chemistry, Chemical Engineerin, Clinical Medicine, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Economics, Business and Management Science, Engineering, Energy, Environmental Science, Life Sciences, Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics,Astronomy, Social Science. Full text is only available for the journals to which Deakin University subscribes. The University has purchased a number of back issue journal sets from ScienceDirect. For many of these titles, the most current volumes will not be available in full text.
Subject area Social Sciences
  Health Sciences and Allied Health
  Engineering and Design
  Nursing and Midwifery
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Other name Science Direct


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
ScienceDirect Advances in experimental social psychology 01 Jan. 1995-
ScienceDirect Advances in food and nutrition research 01 Jan. 2001-
ScienceDirect Advances in marine biology (Online) 01 Jan. 1963-
ScienceDirect Advances in psychology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 01 Jan. 1995-
ScienceDirect Ambulatory surgery (Online) 01 Jan. 1995 - 31 Dec. 2006
ScienceDirect The American journal of clinical nutrition 01 Jan. 1996-
ScienceDirect The American journal of clinical nutrition 01 Jan. 1996-
ScienceDirect American journal of human genetics (Online) 01 Jan. 2010-
ScienceDirect American journal of medicine (Online) 01 Jan. 2017-
ScienceDirect (Latest issues unavailable)
The American journal of pathology 01 July 1998-,
01 July 1998 - 14 Feb. 2024
ScienceDirect (Latest issues unavailable)
Annals of oncology (Online) 01 Jan. 1990 - 14 Feb. 2024,
01 Jan. 1990-
ScienceDirect Annals of thoracic surgery (Online) 01 Jan. 1965-
ScienceDirect Aquatic living resources = Ressources vivantes aquatiques 01 Jan. 1998 - 31 Dec. 2003
ScienceDirect Arab journal of urology 01 Mar. 2011 - 31 Dec. 2018
ScienceDirect Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 01 Apr. 1985-
ScienceDirect Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (Online) 01 Apr. 1985-
ScienceDirect Australian and New Zealand journal of public health (Online) 01 Oct. 1977-
ScienceDirect Australasian emergency care 01 Feb. 2018-
ScienceDirect Australian journal of physiotherapy (Online) 01 Jan. 1955 - 31 Dec. 2009
ScienceDirect Australasian marketing journal : AMJ 01 Jan. 1998 - 31 Dec. 2020