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Description ICLR Online on the TimeBase platform provides all legal practitioners with a comprehensive source of dedicated case law back to 1865. Official series of The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales.
Subject area Law
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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
ICLR Online Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Business law reports (London : Online) 01 Jan. 2007-
ICLR Online CASE notes
ICLR Online Chancery Appeals. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Common Pleas Cases. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Common Pleas Division. The Law Reports: 1875 - 1880 01 Jan. 1875 - 31 Dec. 1880
ICLR Online Crown Cases Reserved. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online English and Irish Appeals. The Law Reports: 1866 - 1875 01 Jan. 1866 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Equity Cases. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Exchequer Cases. The Law Reports: 1865 - 1875 01 Jan. 1865 - 31 Dec. 1875
ICLR Online Exchequer Division. The Law Reports: 1875 - 1880 01 Jan. 1875 - 31 Dec. 1880
ICLR Online Industrial cases reports 01 Jan. 1972-
ICLR Online King's Bench Division. The Law Reports: 1901 - 1952 01 Jan. 1901 - 31 Dec. 1952
Appeal Cases: 2001- (full text)
Appeal Cases: 1880-1890 (full text)
Appeal Cases: 1875-1880 (full text)
Law reports and transcripts : Appeal cases
ICLR Online The law reports. Appeal cases 01 Jan. 2001-
ICLR Online The Law reports. Appeal cases before the House of Lords (English, Irish, and Scotch) and the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council / reported by Charles Clark, John Fraser Macqueen, Herbert Cowell 01 Jan. 1875 - 31 Dec. 1880
ICLR Online The Law reports. Appeal cases before the House of Lords and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, also peerage cases / under the superintendence and control of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales 01 Jan. 1880 - 31 Dec. 1890
ICLR Online The Law reports. Cases determined in the Chancery Division and in bankruptcy and lunacy, and on appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal / under the superintendence and control of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales ; Supreme Court of Judicature 01 Jan. 1881 - 31 Dec. 1890
ICLR Online The Law reports. Chancery Division, and on appeal therefrom in the Court of Appeal, and decisions in the Court of Protection 01 Jan. 1977-
ICLR Online The Law reports. Chancery Division, Family Division 01 Jan. 1890 - 31 Dec. 1971