The collective name for islands of the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines, including the Mariana, PALAU, Caroline, Marshall, and Kiribati Islands. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p761 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p350)
Nauru Australia Foreign relations : Documents on Australian Foreign Policy : Australia and Nauru: Phosphate, Trusteeship and the Resettlement Issue, 1945-1962
Nauru Diabetes : Phosphate, wealth and health in Nauru : a study of lifestyle change / Helen J. Rubinstein, Paul Zimmet
Nauru -- Economic conditions : Republic of Nauru : 2017 Article IV consultation-press release, staff report, and statement by the executive director for the Republic of Nauru / International Monetary Fund
Nauru -- Economic policy : Republic of Nauru : 2017 Article IV consultation-press release, staff report, and statement by the executive director for the Republic of Nauru / International Monetary Fund
Nauru Germany Relations : Nauru 1888-1900 : an account in German and English based on official records of the Colonial Section of the German Foreign Office held by the Deutsches Zentralarchiv in Potsdam / by Wilhelm Fabricius ; translated and edited by Dymphna Clark and Stewart Firth
Nauru Health surveys : Phosphate, wealth and health in Nauru : a study of lifestyle change / Helen J. Rubinstein, Paul Zimmet
Nauru International Monetary Fund : Republic of Nauru : 2017 Article IV consultation-press release, staff report, and statement by the executive director for the Republic of Nauru / International Monetary Fund
Nauru Phosphate mines and mining History : The phosphateers : a history of the British Phosphate Commissioners and the Christmas Island Phosphate Commission / Maslyn Williams, Barrie MacDonald