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Access this resource: NUTRITIONnetBASE
Description NUTRITIONnetBASE covers sports nutrition, phytonutrients, the cancer diet connection, and oxidative stress
Subject area Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
  Health Sciences and Allied Health
Part of Full text coverage
  Part of CRCnetBASE
Other name CRCNutritionnetBase
  CRCnetBASE NutritionNetBase


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
NUTRITIONnetBASE Advances in conjugated linoleic acid research. Vol. 3 / editors, Martin P. Yurawecz [and others]
NUTRITIONnetBASE Advanced nutrition : micronutrients / Carolyn D. Berdanier ; illustrations by Toni Kathryn Adkins
NUTRITIONnetBASE Appetite and food intake : behavioral and physiological considerations / edited by Ruth B.S. Harris, Richard D. Mattes
NUTRITIONnetBASE Arthritis : pathophysiology, prevention, and therapeutics / editors, Debasis Bagchi, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Siba P. Raychaudhuri
NUTRITIONnetBASE An atlas of obesity and weight control / George A. Bray
NUTRITIONnetBASE Carbohydrates in Food
NUTRITIONnetBASE Case studies in physiology and nutrition / Lynne Berdanier, Carolyn D. Berdanier
NUTRITIONnetBASE Cholesterol and phytosterol oxidation products : analysis, occurrence, and biological effects / editors, Francesc Guardiola [and others]
NUTRITIONnetBASE The concise encyclopedia of foods & nutrition / Audrey H. Ensminger [and others]
NUTRITIONnetBASE CRC desk reference for nutrition / Carolyn D. Berdanier
CRC desk reference for nutrition / Carolyn D. Berdanier
NUTRITIONnetBASE Development and processing of vegetable oils for human nutrition / editors, Roman Przybylski, Bruce E. McDonald
NUTRITIONnetBASE Diet, nutrients, and bone health / edited by John J.B. Anderson, Sanford C. Garner, Philip J. Klemmer
NUTRITIONnetBASE Dietary fats and risk of chronic disease / editors, Yung-Sheng Huang, Yuyoshi Yanagita, Howard R. Knapp
NUTRITIONnetBASE Dietary proteins and atherosclerosis / G. Debry
NUTRITIONnetBASE Dietary proteins : how they alleviate disease and promote better health / edited by George U. Liepa ; associate editors, Donald C. Beitz, Anton C. Beynen, Mary Anne Gorman
NUTRITIONnetBASE Dimensions of food / Vickie A. Vaclavik, Marcia H. Pimentel, Marjorie M. Devine
NUTRITIONnetBASE Eating Disorders in Women and Children : Prevention, Stress Management, and Treatment
NUTRITIONnetBASE Edible structures : the basic science of what we eat / José Miguel Aguilera ; translated by Marian Blazes
NUTRITIONnetBASE Encyclopedia of dietary supplements / edited by Paul M. Coates [and others]